例1.工业产权的转让或者许可合同是指涉及发明专利权、实用新 型专利权、外观设计专利权以及商标权的转让或者许可的合同(仅涉 及商标权转让的合同除外)。(《合同管理条例施行细则》)
译文 1: Contracts for assignment or licensing of industrial property rights refer to those for assignment or licensing of rights relating to invention patents, new utility model patents, exterior design patents as well as trademarks excluding those merely for assignment of rights of trademarks. (1992 年译本)
译文 2: This type of contract refers to a contract which involves the assignment or licensing of an invention patent, a patent for usage rights to a new pattern, an exterior design patent or a trademark (with the exception of a contract for the assignment of a trademark).(澳大利亚译本)
评析:在译文1中,一个小小的for字要引导后面29个单词,实在有些力不从心。顺便指出,如将relating to升格为从句that relate to,然后归小词for管辖,则更显得不合理。
译文 1 : Without adherence to socialism,implementation of the reform and opening policy,development of the economy, and improvements in the livelihood of the people, we would find ourselves in a blind alley.(《北京周报》)
译文 2: If we did not adhere to socialism,implement the policies of reform and opening to the outside world,develop the economy and raise living standards,we would find ourselves in a blind alley.(外文出版社)
评析:汉语能经得起重复,在上面一例中,“不”字被反复使用而无甚不妥。译文1使用Without,但在英语中不宜过多重复使用 Without。现在Without这一个介词必须拖动直至we前面的22个单 词,显得有些马力不足,水平不太高的读者在读到improvements in the livelihood of the people时,可能已经忘记这一词组与Without 之间的关系了。如将Without改成较长的In the absence of,读者的大脑须花较多时间来处理这一词组,因此能记住这一词组的时间会更长一些,因而它与后面的 improvements in the livelihood of the people连接也就更紧密一些。如要进一步增强粘合性,还可使用 3.1.2节的办法,使衔接词语更具延续性:In the absence of..., of…,of… ,and of…。
The chief criterion for making that judgment should be whether it promotes the growth of the productive forces in a socialist society,whether it increases the overall strength of the socialist state and whether it raises the people’s living standards. (《北京周报》)