作者:管理员    发布于:2012-06-30 23:07:16    文字:【】【】【






译文 1 In a project of constructing port facilities with a nongovernmental investmentbid invitation and bid submission shall be practiced in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations-

译文 2 In the case of a project of constructing port facilities with a non-governmental investmentbid invitation and bid submission shall be practiced in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

评析:以上译文1使用简短的In或者with/As for等,虽然不错,但显得不够正式。译文2改用较长的In the case of,不但清楚,而且庄重,合乎法律文件口吻。



With/In the case of a project of constructing port facilities with a non-governmental investment that exceeds 100 million yuan bid invitation and bid submission shall be practiced in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

在译文的句首,如使用简短的With等词,不仅文风不妥,更重要的是难以拖动随后的长结构,这就好像一辆摩托车的马达不宜用来拖带一辆重型卡车。这时似乎只能改用较长的In the case ofIn the event of 等。




In the event a port enterprise intends to change the scope of its serviceutilize overseas capital or introduce equipment from abroad, it shall apply to the original examining and approving department for re-examination and re-approval.

A port enterprise that intends to cease its operation shall file with the municipal port competent department for record

评析:以上译文中的第一句较长,宜用较长的In the event来拖动,如改用If则显得太短,不太庄重。译文的第二句较短,如译成If a port enterprise intends to cease its operation, it shall… 也很清楚,但不够简洁,因而译者索性将If从句紧缩为that引导的限定从句。



译文 1: During this periodwe must solve the two major problems of how to establish a more or less ideal socialist market economy and how to maintain a sustainedrapid and sound development of the national economy.

译文 2 During this period, we must solve the two major problems , that is, how to establish a more or less ideal socialist market economy and how to maintain a sustainedrapid and sound development of the national economy.

评析:以上译文1使用简短的of来拖动后面的两个how to... 结构,读上去稍稍有点累人,在口语中更不容易听懂。译文2改用更长、更明显的that is,给读者或听者一段思考的时间,有利于把后面两 how to... 结构与前面的two major problems衔接起来。



Concerning many important issues on improvement of the cross-Strait relations and promotion of peaceful reunification of the motherlandhe made an eight-point proposal.

评析:句首的引导词可以是ConcerningWith regard to,但后面需要拖动一长串词语。可是使用on这个小词,似乎拉动力量不足。




译文 1: For the purpose of these procedures, land use fees means an amount of money paid in consideration of the use of land resources and does not include expenditures for requisition of land demolition of buildings, resettlement of families and infrastructure construction. (1991 年译本)

译文 2 The land use fees mentioned in these Procedures refer to the fees for the use of land resource only and do not include expenditures with regard to requisition, demolitionresettlement and infrastructure construction. (1992 年译本)

评析:译文1使用了长衔接词语paid in consideration of来连接 an amount of money the use of land resources,这显得过于笨重, 没有必要。the use of land resources很短,译文2仅使用for这一短词足矣。

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