标点符号作为文字语言不可缺少的辅助,在语篇中的衔接作用是十分明显的。吕叔湘先生说得好每一个标点符号都有一个独特的作用。”(引自高风江,1996:25)“分号将前后两并列的分句连接起来, 体现了两分句的并列或对比的逻辑关系;冒号标示前后文提示性逻辑 关系;括号标明符号内外注释性逻辑关系;破折号标明符号前后之间解释说明、补充说明或语义突然转变的逻辑关系。”(苏培成,1994)
译文 1: We will develop science and technology, and the higher and newer the technologies, the better. And we will be all the more delighted,as will people and the nation. (《北京周报》)
译文 2: We should develop science and technology, and the higher and newer the technologies are,the better, and the more delighted we shall be—and not just we,but the entire people and the state . (外文出版社)
评析: “不只我们高兴,人民髙兴,国家高兴”补充说明前面一句 的“我们也就越高兴”。由于语义上有密切联系,不妨采用并句法将它们连接起来。译文1使用连接词as将前后句子连接在一起,是可行的;译文2改用破折号,联系更为紧密。
译文 1 : The elderly have both strong and weak points — They tend to be stubborn, and therefore, they should be aware of their limitations.(《北京周报》)
译文 2: Old people have strengths but also great weaknesses — they tend to be stubborn, for example—and they should be aware of that.(外文出版社)
例3.我们可利用的矛盾存在着,对我们有利的条件存在着,机遇 存在着A问题是要善于把握。(《邓选》)
译文 1 : Contradictions we can make use of exist. Conditions that are beneficial to us exist: Opportunities exist 二 The point is that we should be adept at seizing them.(《北京周报》)
译文 2: There are contradictions that we can use, conditions that are favourable to us, opportunities that we can take advantage of—the problem is to seize them at the right moment.(外文出版社)
评析:原文由四句松散分句组成。前三句讲述了存在着的三种有利因素,然后点出问题的要害。译文1按中文结构译成四句,太呆板,不合英语行文习惯,不易体现出四句话之间的语义联系。译文2 使用破折号,不但使英译文显得紧凑,而且有助于把读者的注意力集中在问题的核心部分。
例4.在美国,绝大多数中国本科生所学的专业是自然科学、工程或是经济,很多人在上高中时都是学习上的超级尖子,是国际奥林匹克竞赛的金牌获得者或是在全国竞赛中的获奖者。(《笔译实务》第 189 页)
The overwhelming majority of Chinese undergraduates in the US major in science, engineering or economics. Many were academic superstars in their high schools —gold medalists in international academic Olympiads or prize winners in national academic contests.
例5.杭州不仅以自然美景闻名于世,而且有着传统文化的魅力。 不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。(《高 级翻译》第177页)
The city not only is known for its natural scenery, but also has the charm of traditional culture丄 it boasts not only poems and inscriptions left by ancient scholars, but delicious dishes and pretty
handicrafts as well.
例6.中国与其他国家所不同的是她史无前例的发展步伐。世界上还有哪个地方一幢幢高楼似乎在一夜间就冒了出来?(高风江, 1996:1)
What makes China different from the rest of the world is its unprecedented pace of development —where else in the world do new highrises seem to sprout up overnight?
评析:破折号和冒号汉语不常使用,但若在英语译文中使用得当,可以增加译文的衔接度。本句没有用句号,而是使用破折号将前 后两句有机地衔接了起来。
译文 1: During those five years,rural reform brought about many changes, which were characterized by substantial increase in crop production and farmers’ income and the rise of rural enterprises as a new force.(《北京周报》)
译文 2: During those five years rural reform brought about many changes丄 grain output increased substantially, as did the peasants’income,and rural enterprises emerged as a new force.(外文出版社)
评析:原文含有四个形式松散的分句,但从语义上看,后面三句补充说明第一句中的“许多新的变化”。译文1以which were characterized by的形式将后面三句与前面第一句衔接起来。译文2 则使用冒号加以衔接,更显精练。
Beijing’s water supply is already under grave stress 丄 the Miyun Reservoir,source of much of the city’s water in the past,is critically low and the quality of its water is declining. The city’s underground water table also drops markedly every year.