With the construction of such a pipeline, the energy structure and the industrial pattern of the areas along the pipeline will undergo tremendous changes. It (This/The building of the pipeline) requires huge amounts of capital.
评析:“这”可以被译成It,基本正确,但在英语中It距前面的幽 construction of such a pipeline比较远,而且其中单数名词较多,容易混淆It的指代关系。如将“这”详细扩展为The building of the pipeline,上下文的衔接关系就十分清楚了,但字数稍嫌太多。如改用 This,其指代关系比It更清楚些,而且也相当简洁。
Hangzhou’s fame comes mainly from its picturesque West Lake. Since the lake is beautiful all year round, Su Dongpo, a well- known poet of the Song Dynasty, sang its praise by comparing it to an overwhelmingly beautiful lady: “the lake (it) is invariably enchanting in either heavy or light makeup.
评析:让我们在此观察一下汉英衔接手段的不同。汉语中喜欢使用相同的词汇来衔接上下文,所以连续三次都使用了“杭州”。英语中可改用同义词、代词等手段来衔接,英译文第一次使用West Lake, 第二次使用the lake,第三次使用the lake或it似乎均可。
例3.(要逐步实现共同富裕)共同富裕的构想是这样提出的:一部 分地区有条件先发展起来,一部分地区发展慢点,先发展起来的地区带动后发展的地区,最终达到共同富裕。(《邓选》)
译文 1 : The concept of common prosperity was put forward in this way: where conditions permit, some areas may develop faster than others. Regions which enjoy faster advance can help promote the progress of the less developed regions, finally achieving common affluence.(《北京周报》)
译文 2 : Our plan is as follows : where conditions permit,some areas may develop faster than others; those that develop faster can help promote the progress of those that lag behind, until all become prosperous.(外文出版社)
评析:在汉语原文中,“地区”被重复使用了四次,这些重复的词 汇把这一长句衔接起来。英语中也可使用重复,但使用频率较低。 《北京周报》译文主要使用了同义词regions来进行衔接,这是解决办法之一,英语初学者往往会重复原字而忽视这种变换用词的办法。但由于这一段文字不是很长,相关词汇之间距离不远,因此不一定要使 用语义凸显的英语实词来进行衔接。外文出版社译文改用代词来衔接,不但仍然清楚,而且更为简洁。
译文 1 : Special attention must be paid to these problems and resolute measures be taken to ban and crack down on vice,never allowing It to spread unchecked.(《北京周报》)
译文 2: Special attention must be paid to these evils, and resolute measures must be taken to stamp them out and prevent them from spreading.(外文出版社)
评析:北京周报》译文的衔接办法有些问题。从语义上来看,these problems,vice,it指相同的事,但同义词vice为单数形式,与 these problems难以照应衔接,读者需花较大的精力才能琢磨出其间的联系。如将vice改为these evils/these criminal acts则比较容易与前面的these problems联络上。
译文2开始就使用these evils,随后改用代词them来照应,简明扼要。
Science and technology development in China is inseparable from that in the rest of the world, and the latter also needs the former’s contribution>
评析:汉语喜欢重复用词,如本句“世界”和“中国”重复使用。英语用词不喜欢重复,而是使用替代词,注意本句译文中the former和 the latter 的使用。
例6.与此同时,友协先后派出五十多个代表团对三十几个国家 进行友好访问,受到各国朝野的热情接待。(《高级翻译》第203页)
Meanwhile CPAFFC also sent 50-plus delegations to more than 30 countries and regions on goodwill visits. The delegations were warmly received by the governments and the people there.
That county town was so infested with Japanese troops and spies that actors performing there felt more insecure.(杨宪益、戴乃 迭译)
评析:汉语的“这”/“那”与英语的this/that是不对应的。根据许余龙(2002)的研究,汉语中“这”的使用频率是“那”的两倍以上;英 语中this的使用频率是that的一半。因此,汉语中的“这”很多时候要译为英语中的that。