We advanced structural readjustment in agriculture. Through policy support and improved information and technical services, the government guided farmers to grow crops according to market demand, develop animal husbandry and aquatic farming and readjust the location of agricultural producing areas.
评析:原文“按照市场需求调整种植结构,发展畜牧收和水产养殖业,推进农业生产区域布局调整”,看不清楚是“按照市场需求”修饰“调整种植结构”还是修饰“调整种植结构,发展畜牧业和水产养殖业,推进农业生产区域布局调整”。如果认为“按照市场需求”是修饰后者,我们就不应在 grow crops 后插入 according to market demand。 较恰当的译法是:• • • the government,according to market demand, guided farmers to grow crops, develop animal husbandry and aquatic farming and readjust the location of agricultural producing areas-
译文 1 : The municipal bureaus (districts or counties) responsible for negotiating over projects proposed by enterprises with foreign investments shall,in their feasibility reports,furnish the grounds for whether or not the said projects shall enjoy preferential treatment designated for technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive projects and shall put forward their preliminary opinion. (1991 年译本)
译文 2: The competent bureaus ( district or county governments) in charge of project negotiations of foreign-invested enterprises shall provide their views on whether or not to enjoy preferential treatments as technology-intensive and/or knowledge- intensive enterprises for the project and forward their preliminary opinions in the feasibility study report. (1992 年译本)
评析:在译文 1 中,in their feasibility reports 插入在 shall... furnish之中,因而只能修饰shall furnish,不能修饰后面的动词shall put forward。根据这种译文,主管局在可行性报告中只需提供依据,不一定要提出初步意见,这与原文不符。译文1如删去第二个shall, 则 in their feasibility reports 可以修饰 furnish 与 put forward 这两个动词。
译文2提供了另一种解决办法:将in the feasibility study report 置于句末,从而使其可以修饰forward与provide两者。当然,也可将 此状语移至shall与provide之间,这样可同时修饰forward与provide 两者。
译文 1: Enterprises with foreign investments that enjoy preferential treatment for their technology-intensive and knowledge intensive projects may file, two months before the expiration of the tax exemption period,applications written on standard forms (printed by the Foreign Economic and Trade Commission) with the responsible municipal bureaus (districts or counties) and go through the application formalities. (1991 年译本)
译文 2: Foreign-invested enterprises enjoying preferential treatments of technology-intensive and/or knowledge-intensive projects shall fill in an application form (printed by the Foreign Economic and Trade Commission) and submit it to the competent bureaus (district and county governments) two months before the date of expiration of exemption,and go through the application formalities. (1992 年译本)
评析:原汉语中的“在免税期满前两个月”究竟修饰“提出申请书”,还是修饰“提出申请书”和“办理申请手续”两者?鉴于汉语具有一定模糊性,两种可能性都存在。在译文1和译文2中,two months before...只能分别修饰file和fill (提出申请),都不能修饰go through(办理申请手续)。这两种译文对政府主管局比较有利。根据译文,外商独资企业必须提前两个月提出申请,但主管局不必马上处理完申请书。
另一种可能的译文是保留原文的模糊性。现将译文1修改如下: Enterprises with foreign investments that enjoy preferential treatment for their technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive projects may,two months before the expiration of the tax exemption period,file applications written on standard forms (printed by the Foreign Economic and Trade Commission) with the responsible municipal bureaus (districts or counties) and go through the application formalities.
在以上译文中,two months before…可以修饰 file applications …和go through…两者,也可以仅修饰Hie applications。这种模棱两可的译文是可行的,因为它与原中文匹配。如在执行中发生法律纠纷,解释权总是在政府主管部门。
译文 1 : A joint venture shall,within one month after obtaining the document of approval for its establishment,go through the procedures with respect to the use of land at the Land Bureau and get a land certificate therefrom, (1991 年译本)
译文 2: Joint ventures that have obtained approval certificates for establishment shall go through the formalities for the use of land at the Municipal Land Bureau within one month and get their land use certificate. (1992 年译本)
评析:此例与上例相似。“在一个月内”可以仅修饰“办理土地使 用手续”,也可以修饰“办理土地使用手续”和“领取土地使用证”两者。 在译文 2 中,within one month 只能修饰 shall go through the formalities,不能修饰 get their land use certificate。这种译文对市土 地局有利:合营企业必须在一个月内办理手续,但土地局不必在一个 月内发出土地使用证。译文1的within one month可以只修饰go through the procedures,也可以修饰 go through the procedures 和 get a land use certificate两者。这种译文比较灵活,符合中文原意, 且留出余地供政府解释。
We should levy taxes according to law,tighten tax collectionand management, and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud. (《中国日报》)
评析:在原中文中,“依法”应管住“治税”、“强化税收”、“打击偷税漏税”这三件事。但在译文中,according to law只能管住levy taxes,管不住另外两件事,也即办另两件事时不一定要依法办事。笔者提出以下两种参考译文:
译文 1: We should,according to law,levy taxes, tighten tax collection and management, and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud.
译文 2: We should levy taxes, tighten tax collection and management,and severely fight tax evasion and tax fraud, al] according to law.
We must crack down on all kinds of crime according to law and eradicate social evils such as pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking. (《中国日报》)
评析:此例与前面一例相似,应移动according to law的位置,使之能修饰 crack down 与 eradicate 两者:We must, according to law, crack down… and eradicate… /We must crack down... and eradicate... according to law.
例7.(开发区)根据需要也可兴建国际贸易、国际金融、外事活动场所和举办旅游、提供寓所等服务性项目。(《上海市经济技术开发区 条例》)
译文 1: Buildings for international trade,international finance and foreign affairs activities may also be erected, and service projects for tourism and residence houses may also be undertaken in these zones in accordance with requirements. (1991 年译本)
译文 2: The development zone may also build, where the
context permits,premises for conducting international trade, finance and other activities in connection with foreign affairs as well as render such services as conducting tourism and providing residences. (1992 年译本)
评析:译文2的where the context permits相当于译文1的in accordance with,但前者通过插入法,插在build之后。译文2看似漂 亮,其实是错误的。Where the context permits只能修饰build,不能 修饰后面的动词render。要同时修饰build与render两者,不妨将 where the context permits向前移,直接跟在may之后。另一解决办法是将状语in accordance with转到句末。译文1就是这么处理的。 但考虑到前面内容很多,不妨进一步采用1.8.1节的办法添加填充 词,成为in accordance with,从而使修饰关系更清楚。