作者:管理员    发布于:2012-06-08 10:53:33    文字:【】【】【



请允许我代表上海宝钢集团公司对2001上海国际冶金工业展的开幕表示热烈祝贺!向各参展嘉宾(11)特别是远道而来的朋友,表示热烈的欢迎!向提供赞助的各个单位©,向关心和支持这次 冶金展的中国钢铁工业协会和上海市有关部门的领导(13),以及为这次冶金展付出辛勤劳动的有关人员(14)表示衷心的感谢(15)!





Explanatory notes on Termingnology

冶金产品:Metallurgical products

冶金技术:metallurgical technology

冶金装备:metallurgical equipment

冶金市场:metallurgical market / market of metallurgical products

铸造:forging, forgery

锻造:casting (延续 continuous casting,离心 centrifugal casting)

热处理:heat treatment

技术贸易:technology trade

技术服务:technology service

投资合作:cooperation in project investment




 (1)  2001上海国际冶金工业展:The World Metallurgy Expo Shanghai 2001;这一篇中专有名词比 较多,对“2001上海国际冶金工业展”的翻译必须符合国际惯例。

(2)    中国国际贸易促进委员会上海市分会:China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Sub-Council (CCPIT Shanghai)。这类专有名词的翻译必须严格按照原来既定的译法。

(3)    中国国际商会上海商会:China Chamber of International Commerce Shanghai Chapter (CCOIC Shanghai)

(4)    负责接待:在这里是指主办单位,即presenter(s);赞助单位:sponsor;承办单位:organizer

(5)    上海宝钢集团公司:Shanghai Baosteel Group

(6)    上海市国际展览公司:Shanghai  International Exhibition Company

(7)    华进有限公司:Huajin  Co. Ltd

(8)    主办:实际上这里是指承办单位即organizer(s);联合主办是co-sponsors       / jointly sponsored by".

(9)    上海国际展览中心:Shanghai      International Exhibition Center

(10)  隆重开幕:has       been officially/grandly openedo

(11)  参展嘉宾:participant(s) / exhibitor(s);出席研讨会的人是 attendee(s)

(12)  提供赞助的各个单位:the   sponsors (如果要分等级,可以用platinum, gold, silver等词来表 示;支持单位为supporter)

(13)  关心和支持这次冶金展的有关部门的领导关心”是show care/interest,而不是concern;

“有关部门”是 relevant departments /departments concerned

(14)  以及为这次冶金展付出辛勤劳动的有关人员:这是指在组委会须导下参与办展的人员。

(15)  表示衷心的感谢:如果感谢的对象比较多,可以分别用thanks,    appreciation, gratitude等词语来表达。

(16)  集中展示:to present concentrations of

(17)  大型技术交流会:symposium;小型的是seminar

(18)  在世界经济全球化加速发展和中国正式加入WTO的背景下:可以翻译为:against the backdrop of / in the context of

(19)  将形成:will take shape

(20)  开展技术贸易,技术服务以及投资合作:for       (the purpose of) cooperation in technology trading, technology service and project investing



Opening Speech at World Metallurgy Expo Shanghai 2001

The World Metallurgy Expo Shanghai 2001 has been officially opened in Shanghai International Exhibition Center today. The event is sponsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Branch (CCPIT Shanghai) and China Chamber of International Commerce Shanghai Chapter (CCOIC Shanghai), and organized by Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, Shanghai International Exhibition Company and Huajin Co. Ltd.

On behalf of Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation, please allow me to extend warm congratulations to the opening of the Expo and a warm welcome to the distinguished participants, particularly those from faraway lands! And I would like to express sincere gratitude to the sponsors of the Expo as well as the Chinese Association of Iron and Steel Industry and the leaders c : the relevant departments of Shanghai Municipality who have shown care for and support to the ever::, and my gratitude also goes to the hardworking staff of the Organizing Committee.

The Expo has presented concentrations of advanced technology and equipment of metallurgy from at home and abroad, involving such areas as forging, casting and heat treatment. Major technical symposiums will be held concurrently during the Expo.

Against the backdrop of accelerated globalization of the world economy and China’s accession to the WTO, a more open and ordered metallurgical market, involving metallurgical products, technology and equipment, will be taking shape in Shanghai. We cordially welcome friends at home and abroad to Shanghai for cooperation in technology trading, technology service and project investing.

The achievement of China’s metallurgical industry during the past 20 years of reform and opening-up has drawn the world’s attention. Our country has become a major iron and steel producer. The current Metallurgy Expo will bring new technology, equipment and ideas to the metallurgical industry of China and provide ample room for international exchange in metallurgical technology. We believe that this Expo will push China’s metallurgical industry to a new height and produce positive impact on the development of metallurgical science and technology around the world.


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