How Richard Branson Works Magic (1)
Richard Branson, Chairman of the Virgin Group, has parlayed a lifelong disdain for conventional business wisdom into a $3.5 billion international conglomerate and one of the world’s most powerful and recognizable brands.(2) Under the ubiquitous Virgin banner, Mr. Branson has ventured into a panoply of businesses (3) _ from condoms to wedding gowns, from airlines to financial services — and in the process has taken on entrenched giants(4) and wrested market share from them.
All the while, the flamboyant and irreverent Mr. Branson has tweaked the business establishment,(5) particularly in Britain, and displayed a good command of publicity and showmanship to gain priceless cachet for the Virgin brand. He has been, for much of the past 30 years, one of the most admired Britons, and his fame has spread in recent years around the globe as Virgin has expanded its reach and its luster.(6) Mr. Branson loves nothing more than a daunting challenge; he views the impossible as just another business opportunity. His trademark is outlandish publicity stunts. He will do almost anything to promote the Virgin brand: driving a tank down Fifth Avenue in New York to introduce Virgin Cola to the United States, risking his life in high-profile hot-air balloon adventures or portraying a drowning victim on television’s “Baywatch.”
But Mr. Branson stands for more than balloon trips and powerboat races across the Atlantic.(7) Behind the brash and insouciant huckster, there lies a sharp business visionary who has created a formula for success that is rife with lessons(B) for chief executives in any country and any business. Mr. Branson’s success reflects an uncanny ability to take the consumer’s point of view as his own and find ways to embrace that view for profit.
Despite his personal riches, Mr. Branson has retained an “everyman” persona marked by his casual dress, affable and modest manner, and devilish disrespect for convention.(9) He understands viscerally the concerns and needs of his customers and his employees and acts as a conduit for fulfilling those needs. He has built the Virgin brand in his own image, and the result is an extremely positive emotional bond between consumers and companies that bear the Virgin label.(10) It is brand-builder’s nirvana that made all the more impressive because the brand is all that ties together more than a hundred disparate Virgin businesses. There is little synergy or shared resources among the Virgin companies; Virgin, in fact, resembles the classic Japanese keiretsu such as a Yamaha or Mitsubishi.
Explanatory notes on terminology
1. Richard Branson理查德•布兰森
2. Virgin Group 维珍集团
英国著名企业,其业务范围主要包括:维珍航空、维珍火车、维珍移动通讯、维珍可乐、维 珍能源、维珍大型连锁店以及维珍金融服务。
3. Fifth Avenue (纽约市)第五大道
纽约市一主要大道,第五大道和东河之间的核心区为“贵族区”。该地区盘踞着拥有财富、权 力和社会地位的机构团体、最时髦的私人俱乐部以及最好的私立学校。
4. “Baywatch”《海岸救生队》
5. Keiretsu (日本)株式会社
6. Yamaha Corporation (日本)雅马哈公司
日本雅马哈公司为世界上最大的乐器制造公司,同时也是世界著名的摩托车制造公司。雅马 哈发动机十分有名气,品种广泛,从摩托车发动机到发电机组发动机、船艇发动机一应倶全。
7. Mitsubishi Corporation (日本)三菱公司
日本最大的企业集团,在全世界80个国家拥有两百多个生产基地,三菱业务范围包括船舶、 钢铁构件、原动机、原子能、机械、航空宇宙、专用/一般机械、空调、工厂建设、印刷机械、 加工机械的11个大分类和上百个小分类。
(1) to work magic有“施展魔法,创造奇迹”之义,结合本文讲述内容,故将How Richard Branson Works Magic翻译为:理查德•布兰森如何创造奇迹。
(2) to parlay something into 有“把 充分发挥到某种程度”之义,例如:to parlay some small
investments into a large fortune (把一些小投资变为大资产)。conventional business wisdom 意思是:经商方面的至理名言,经商之道。a lifelong disdain for conventional business wisdom 的意思是说:理查德•布兰森一生对传统的经商之道不以为然。整个这句话的意思是:正 是理查德•布兰森对传统经商之道的不屑一顾,才使得他创造出了一个国际大财团和一个 举世公认的强势品牌。
(3) panoply 在这里的意思是 a wide range or collection of different things。因此,Branson has ventured into a panoply of businesses这句话的意思就是:布兰森在商业战场上闯荡,做过 各种各样的生意。
(4) to take on somebody意思是:与某人较量。
(5) 说一个人flamboyant,是说他自信并爱炫耀自己;而说一个人irreverent,是说他爱挑剔, 对传统的事物、观念等不恭敬。to tweak the business establishment的意思是:做生意时不
(6) 在 as Virgin has expanded its reach and its luster 中,reach 和 luster 均为动词 expand 的宾语, reach意为“所能延伸到的范围或距离”,在这里是说“维珍拓展了自身的业务”。luster有“光 彩、荣耀或显赫”之义,因此to expand one’s luster意思就是:名声越来越大,地位越来越 显赫。我们可以把整个句子翻译为:由于维珍近年来业务拓展、名声鹊起,布兰森也因此 名扬四海。
(7) to stand for的意思是be parallel or equivalent to,因此,本句的意思是:布兰森能够做到的 事情远不止是高空气球旅行以及跨越大西洋的机动船比赛。
(8) (be) rife with something 意思是“充满 ,富于 ”,例如:It was a fine night, the moon a virtuous sliver in a sky rife with stars. The Hague school of artists was rife with theories about ‘pure’ art.本句中的 a formula for success that is rife with lessons 的意思是:在布兰森所创造 的这样一个成功模式里面,有着许多人们可以学习的东西。
(9) 本句中persona—词原指戏剧或文学作品中的角色。Mr. Branson has retained an “everyman” persona意思是:布兰森就像平常人一样,保持着一个平常人的形象。这句话恰好相当于 汉语里所说的“有着一颗平常心”。因此,我们可以将整个句子译为:布兰森虽身为富豪, 却始终保持着一颗“平常心”,他的随意着装、和蔼态度、谦逊风度以及对陈规旧矩的不屑 一顾便是证明。
(10)如果将companies that bear the Virgin label直译为“那些带有维珍标志的公司”,则译文不够流畅,不如将其译为“维珍旗下公司”。请看全句译文:他以自己的形象树立起了维珍品牌, 使其成为消费者同维珍旗下公司之间亲密无间的情感纽带。
自信而张扬的布兰森总是反叛传统商业运作模式,在英国尤其如此。他以高超的公关手段和娴熟技巧,为维珍品牌赢得了极高的声誉。在过去30年的大部分时间里,他几乎一直都是最受敬仰的英国人之一。由于维珍近年来业务拓展、名声鹊起,布兰森也因此名扬四海。布兰森最喜欢艰巨的挑战,他将一切不可能视为新的机会。维珍的商标怪异奇特,是绝妙的宣传手段,为了宣传维珍品牌,布兰森几乎可以做任何事情:比如,为使维珍可乐打入美国市场,他可以把坦克开 进纽约市的第五大道;甚至冒着生命危险进行高空热气球探险或是在电视剧《海岸救生队》中扮演溺水者。
布兰森虽身为富豪,却始终保持着一颗“平常心”。他的随意着装、和蔼态度、谦逊风度以及对陈规旧矩的不屑一顾便是证明。布兰森对于维珍消费者及其雇员的所思所想及其需求有着切身的理解,并为满足他们的愿望穿针引线。他以自己的形象树立起了维珍品牌,使其成为消费者 同维珍旗下公司之间亲密无间的情感纽带。是维珍品牌缔造者的理想境界使该公司异军突起;是品牌的力量维系着维珍一百多家经营范围迥异的公司。在维珍各公司之间几乎不存在配合协作或资源共享。事实上,维珍很像日本典型的株式会社,如雅马哈和三菱。